Knight Of The Order, Second Class (Officer)
Knight Of The Order, Second Class (Officer) is the mid-level rank of The International Order of the Knights of Saint Luke, and must be achieved before advancing further in our order. The details of this rank are as follows:
Qualification for the Rank: This rank is available to all Knights Of The Order, Third Class (Squire). Applicants must fill out and submit the order form along with the suggested contribution.
Duties of this Rank: The duties of this rank, in addition to the duties of the preceding rank, involve the regular, daily practice of charitable acts through the voluntary but strongly encouraged adherence to the discipline of this rank.
Discipline of this Rank: The discipline of this rank, in addition to the discipline of the preceding rank, involves the diligent practice of charity to others. This can range from the practice of courteous and considerate behavior toward those we encounter in our daily lives, to more involved charitable acts. Knights of this rank are encouraged to keep a journal of their daily charitable activities following this suggested guide:
2. Note should be made as to the time, place, and circumstances of the activity.
3. Journal entries should address the following questions which the Knight should endeavor to answer:
1) What courteous or charitable activity did this situation require of me?
2) Did my actions fit the situation properly?
3) Did I do the most I could in this situation, or did I do the least? (Be honest with yourself).
4) Is there anything I should have done differently, now that I can look back on my actions?
5) Did my actions reflect my Christian beliefs and faith so that Christ was glorified?
To help you with your journal keeping you may download a .pdf file of the journal form for this rank here.
Spiritual Weapons of this Rank: The spiritual weapons of this rank, in addition to those of the preceding rank, are the Helmet of Salvation, to discipline our minds to act properly, and the Breastplate of Righteousness, to open our hearts to the troubles and discomforts of others. These are presented to us in the following Bible verses:
"...and having on the breastplate of righteousness;" Ephesians 6:14b
Medal of this Rank: The medal of this rank is the Medal of Saint Luke the Evangelist, Second Class. This medal builds upon the medal of the preceding rank, with the addition of a second sword, this one pointing from right to left. This second sword arranged in this manner is representative of the altruistic nature of the discipline of this rank. No actual medal is awarded, but is represented by the graphic on the Certificate of Knighthood awarded to this rank. The certificate for this rank is 11 x 8 1/2 inches, printed on quality parchment paper with full color graphics, and contains the medal of this rank and the seal of Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries.
In addition to the full-sized certificate, the Knight will also receive a laminated wallet-sized version of the certificate useful for identifying and verifying your rank.
Title Abbreviation: Knights of this rank may use any of the following Title Abbreviations -KStL(2), KStL(O), and KOStL. The proper form to use is:
Applying for this Rank: To apply for this rank copy and paste the application form into the body of an e-mail, fill it out appropriately, and e-mail it to Brother Dave. The suggested contribution for this rank is $40.
You can place your order online safely and securely through PayPal by clicking on the button below.
Thank you for participating in The International Order Of The Knights Of Saint Luke. May your continued participation in our order be spiritually rewarding and edifying to you. God bless you.