Test For Trials Versus Triumph Lesson
Saint Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Psalm 34:19 reads: Many are the ____________________ of the ____________________ , but the Lord _______________ him out of them all.

2. In Daniel 3, we learn of the trials faced by _______________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ .

3. The term the author uses to describe times of greatest trial is "____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ".

4. Hebrews 11:1 reads: _______________ is being _______________ of what we hoped for and _______________ of what we do not _______________ .

5. Psalm 33:7 reads: You are my _______________ _______________ : You shall preserve me from __________________ ; you shall surround me with _______________ of ____________________ .

6. The author reminds us not to _______________ against the ____________________ of the Lord, or fight the _______________ which life brings.

7. Psalm 71:3 reads: Be my _______________ _______________ , to which I may resort continually; You have given the commandment to _______________ me, for You are my _______________ and my ____________________ .

8. When Stephen spoke to the council, he was full of _______________ and _______________ .

9. Psalm 55:22 reads: Cast your _______________ on the Lord, and He shall _______________ _______________ the righteous to be moved.

10. In times of trial, God's Word become a _______________ of _______________ , a _______________ _______________, a _______________ , and a _______________ .

11. We have to be willing to follow Christ _______________ the way; allowing Him to have _______________ in our lives; being _______________ to the scriptures; ____________________ the flesh, keeping our will ____________________ .