Test For Staying Focused Lesson
Saint Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. The biblical text of this lesson comes from the book of ____________________, chapter __________, in which first _______________ and then _______________ walk on the _______________.

2. To illustrate his point, the author of this lesson shares a story about a congregational _______________ held to discuss a __________________ centering around _______________.

3. In the middle of the meeting, the pastor extinguishes the _______________ and then proceeds to refocus the congregation on _______________.

4. When we take our focus off of _______________, we go _______________. And, the results are predictable: ____________________, _______________, _______________, _______________ and being _______________.

5. God's Holy Word tells us that we are _______________. ____________ is not only what you have done or have failed to do; it is the condition in which you were created.

6. Romans tells us, "There is no one ____________________, not even one".

7. We can't ever be good enough, apart from _______________.

8. Because of Christ's ____________________ on the cross can we stand before God on the day of judgement and appear __________ and ____________________.

9. The author uses a hymn by __________ __________________ to illustrate his point.

10. The author concludes the lesson and the story by saying, "And, God, with his children _______________ on him, led them to find answers to their problem."

11. Discussion question: How did the actions of the pastor in the story used in this lesson reflect his understanding of his congregation, the problem he faced at that moment, and its solution? (Please answer on seperate sheet of paper.)