International Order Of The Knights Of Saint Luke
Application Form for the Rank of
Knight Of The Order, Third Class (Squire)



1. Full Name (as you wish it to appear on your certificate):



2.Your Mail Address: ___________________________________________________


3. Date of Ordination by Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries ____/____/____ (month/day/year)

4. Check One: ______Male _____ Female

5. You must agree to the following to be accepted into our order and receive the rank of Knight Of The Order, Third Class (Squire) "I state that I seek to join The International Order of the Knights of Saint Luke for honorable purposes and with a sincere heart. I agree to endeavor to follow the discipline of this rank, and to study God's Holy Word with an aim toward self-improvement and building my personal Christian Character, that I will always seek to do my best for the order, that I will endeavor to act to always reflect well on the order, and that I will respect and show true Christian love and compassion toward all peoples, and especially my fellow members of this order. I further state that I will also seek to always reflect positively on Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries, the sponsoring ministry of this order."

________ I agree to the above. (order cannot be processed unless checked)

Copy and paste this form into the body of an e-mail, fill out appropriately and e-mail to Brother Dave at

Please make payment of $30 using PayPal.



Copyright 2005-2024 Rev. David M. Ford