Test For Praise And Worship Lesson
Saint Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. The author bases this lesson on Psalm _______________ .

2. The word praise is used _______________ times in the Old Testament and _______________ times in the New Testament. The word worship is used ____________________ times in the Old Testament, and ____________________ times in the New Testament.

3. Praise was a dominant part of the worship of _______________ .

4. Praise is defined as "to express _______________ of or to _______________ a divinty or a saint, especially in _______________ ".

5. Worship is defined as "an expression of ____________________ , ____________________ , or ____________________ to a divine being".

6. We see in Genesis that we were created to have ____________________ with God.

7. There are many ways we can _______________ and _______________ .

8. The author shares with us the story of a band member who played a _______________ as a musical instrument in praise of God.

9. Let everything that has breath _______________ _______________ _______________ .