Test For Prayer, Healing, and the Medical Community Lesson
Saint Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies
1. Prayer will bring about __________________.
2. There is a tendency for medical professionals not to be involved in __________________ with their patients. The reason given often relates to "_________________ of _______________" and the need to respect the differences among patients' beliefs but this ignores an important Christian responsibility, that of delivering the _______________ - _______________ _________________to the lost.
3. Separating prayer from medicine divides the world into that which is _______________ domain and that which is not. It ignores the fact that ____________ is ____________ of everything, including all that we describe as science and/or medicine.
4. Scientists and medical professionals undergo rigorous training that results in a specific sort of _______________. They are trained to ignore their inner feelings and to place their faith in _______________________ - ____________________.
5. Scientific thinking has become so prevalent in our modern world that even among __________________ there is a reluctance to openly defer to prayer.
6. The reason prayer cannot be explained scientifically, according to author Peter Jaret, is that, for the most part, prayer can't be tested using the accepted _______________ __________________. It can't be __________________.
7. Because the subject is concerned with so many things that cannot be _______________, _______________, __________________, and neatly _______________, scientists and medical professionals generally have come to the point where they prefer not to deal with _______________ and _______________ in their work.
8. In the Christian community many of us view the scientific paradigms as having severe __________________ when dealing with the non-physical aspects of our world.
9. Some things will have to be accepted on ____________, and we shouldn't ignore things just because ____________ can't explain them.
10. Dr. Randolph Byrd found that patients who were the objects of prayer "... required fewer __________________, suffered less _______________ ____________ _______________, and were less likely to develop ____________________".
11. Patients who were not the objects of prayer were five times as likely to need __________________ and three times as likely to _______________ ____________________ as those who were the objects of prayer.
12. Dr. Mitchell Krucoff and nurse-practitioner Suzanne Crater at Duke University found medical outcomes for patients who were the objects of prayer were __________% to __________% _______________ than the outcomes for patients who were not the objects of prayer.
13. More than 130 studies on prayer showed a variety of benefits, including positive effects on high _______________ _______________, _______________, _______________ _______________, __________________, and _______________.
14. Many medical practitioners and scientists are finally acknowledging the importance of prayer in the _______________ process.
15. A CNN survey in 1996 showed 73% of the respondents believed that _______________ for people can help ____________ their illnesses.
16. Albert Einstein described religion without science as ____________, and science without religion as ____________.
17. Christians should keep a _______________ _______________ toward scientists and members of the medical professions.
18. Pray ____________ members of the scientific and medical communities whenever you can. Prayer ____________ them always.