Test For Intercession Lesson
Saint Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies
The Hebrew word for intercession is ______________________, meaning to ______________________,
______________________. In Greek it is _________________________, meaning to _____________________________ or to _____________________________.
The story of Queen Esther is an example of how intercession is portrayed as being a __________________________ of one?s _______________________ in the behalf of another.
3. We can make our petitions known to God at _________________________ and ____________________________.
4. We do not have to go to anyone special except ________________________, our Great ___________________ _______________________, to tell our Father our needs. 5. When we cry out to the Father, He sees the _____________________ of His Son and __________________________ our sins.6. For God?s eyes and ears to be in our _______________________, we must first look in His _______________________.
7. As we ____________________ ourselves, God begins to _______________ us. As we __________________ and seek His Face God begins to ______________ us. As we turn from our ________________________ and our ____________________________ to do evil, God begins to _________________ us.8. Webster?s Dictionary describes intercession as: ?________________________ in behalf of another? and intercede as: ?to _____________________ for the purpose of producing agreement.?