Test For The Greatest Commandment: Christ's Blueprint For His Church Lesson
Saint Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies
1. The major cause of friction between Christian ?denominations? is the failure to understand, receive, and live out God?s unconditional _____________________, __________________, an _________________________.
Genuine love for God involves seeing people as God sees
them, and viewing all ________________________ without exceptions, as objects of his ________________________________
We are ___________________________ by the very words of our Lord and Savior to Love unconditionally.
All too often denominations stress their strongly held doctrines to the point of becoming ______________________, ___________________________, and ____________________________.
If, as Jesus suggests, the greatest commandment epitomizes
the message of the Old Testament and is normative for __________________________ experience,
we ought to ________________________ it, not out of our sense of duty but out of our desire to
please God and experience the _________________________________ of the Body.
The sign that you follow Jesus is that you _____________________ others as He commanded.
7. Love is an ____________________________, not merely an attitude or aspiration.
8. God requires a religion of the _______________________ as well as of the head.
9. We are Christians by choice, His children by ______________________________.