Test For Conflict Management Preventative Maintenance Plan Lesson
Saint Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies
1. This plan is formulated to effectively _______________ and ____________ conflict situations as they arise in the ____________ setting.
2. To appropriately handle conflict situations in a biblical manner, a thorough knowledge of the __________________ that deal with this issue is a necessity. Although a variety of conflict management materials are available to the minister, only __________ __________ is completely reliable when searching for the mind of God on an issue.
3. Human _______________ and _______________ are involved in many conflict situations.
4. ____________________, _______________, and ____________________ are all good tools for the minister to consult as he approaches the Bible to mine the truth of God with relationship to conflict management.
5. ____________ should be compared with ____________ as the minister winds his way through the Bible.
6. The next area of examination should be that of the ____________ ____________. An honest and prayerful study should be conducted of the ministers handling of previous conflicts. The minister should have previously studied the various conflict management styles to properly characterize his own __________.
7. The minister should know himself and his usual _______________ to conflict situations. This information coupled with the understanding gained from the scriptures and other studies of conflict management literature will enable the minister to see his __________ and ____________ areas.
8. The minister should use the knowledge that he has gained to seek __________ ____________. More than anything else, the power of __________ is needed at all times to respond appropriately.
9. Submission to God brings in _______________ and ____________ that are spiritual in nature and will oftentimes lead the minister to decisions or conclusions that his fleshly _______________ would have discarded.
10. Along with Godly wisdom, the minister must use his knowledge of the ____________ involved when confronted with a conflict. A minister must take the time to get to know the congregants on a _______________ level.
11. The minister must be able to communicate his ideas ____________ and ____________________ to each person involved.
12. Another factor in the area of communication skills is __________________. A minister must focus himself on the individual who is _______________ to make sure that the message is clearly understood.
13. Active listening not only involves what is said, but the __________ and ____________ with which things are spoken.
14. A plan for __________________ __________________ should be formulated and implemented. It will be of great benefit to the minister to have __________ __________________ in the church appropriately responding to conflict situations.
15. Leadership is the ________________ of any organization. It takes __________________ and _______________ to be a leader and these same qualities are necessary for effective conflict management.
16. The __________ ____________ is an able teacher and well equipped to instruct in the areas of need.