Knight Of The Order, First Class (Commander)
Knight Of The Order, First Class (Commander) is the highest rank available to members of The International Order of the Knights of Saint Luke, and can only be achieved after completing the preceding two ranks. The details of this rank are as follows:
Qualification for the Rank: This rank is available to all Knights Of The Order, Second Class (Officer). Applicants must fill out and submit the order form along with the suggested contribution.
Duties of this Rank: The duties of this rank, in addition to the duties of the preceding two ranks, include scheduled daily prayer, the practice of compassion, and the enthusiastic evangelization of Christ.
Discipline of this Rank: The discipline of this rank, in addition to the discipline of the preceding two ranks, includes the diligent maintenance of a daily prayer schedule, the cheerful practice of compassion to others, and the enthusiastic evangelization of Christ. Knights of this rank are encouraged to keep a journal of these activities following this suggested guide:
2. Don't shy away from situations that call for compassion, but seek them out. Record the times, places, and situations in which you practiced compassion, and examine your response. Ask yourself how you could have done better, but don't neglect to note when you've done all you could to the best of your ability.
3. It's especially important to keep a journal of your evangelical activities, as you will learn which activities are most effective for you. Seek to answer these questions to learn how to be a more effective evangelist:
1) Did I take advantage of every opportunity?
2) Was I prepared materially with such materials as tracts or a Bible available?
3) Was I prepared mentally with answers to Biblical questions?
4) Was I prepared emotionally and spiritually through regular scheduled prayer for the demands of evangelical activities?
5) Did I reflect the love of Christ, or did I do something that may have caused the individual to actually "tune-out" the message?
6) Did my actions lead someone to Christ? (If so, Praise God!)
You'll find that a diligent maintenance of your evangelizing journal along with a regular review of its entries will help make you a dynamic, charismatic, and effective evangelist of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To help you with your journal keeping you may download a .pdf file of the journal form for this rank here
Spiritual Weapons of this Rank: The spiritual weapons of this rank, in addition to those of the preceding two ranks, are Spiritual Prayer, from which we draw sustenance and strength, and the Shield of Faith, which serves as our refuge in times of trouble. These are presented to us in the following Bible verses:
"...Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." Ephesians 6:16
Medal of this Rank: The medal of this rank is the Medal of Saint Luke the Evangelist, First Class. This medal builds upon the preceding two medals, with the addition of a gold colored star superimposed on the ribbon. The gold colored star is representative of the Light of Christ shared with the world through the compassionate and evangelical activities of the discipline of this rank. No actual medal is awarded, but is represented by the graphic on the Certificate of Knighthood awarded to this rank. The certificate for this rank is 11 x 8 1/2 inches, printed on quality parchment paper with full color graphics, and contains the medal of this rank and the seal of Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries.
In addition to the full-sized certificate, the Knight will also receive a laminated wallet-sized version of the certificate useful for identifying and verifying your rank.
Title Abbreviation: Knights of this rank may use any of the following Title Abbreviations -KStL(1), KStL(C), and KCStL. The proper form to use is:
Applying for this Rank: To apply for this rank simply copy and paste the application form into the body of an e-mail, fill it out appropriately, and e-mail to Brother Dave. Use the PayPal button below to send in the suggested contribution of $50.00 (Fifty Dollars).
Place your order online safely and securely through PayPal by clicking on the button below. Useful for paying by credit card or even electronic check!
Thank you for participating in The International Order Of The Knights Of Saint Luke. May your continued participation in our order be spiritually rewarding and edifying to you. God bless you.