Test For "The Coming Of The Holy Spirit" Lesson
Saint Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. The first Harvest Feast was held _______________ days after the ancient Hebrews were delivered from bondage and commemorates the ____________________ of the _______________ at ____________________ ____________________ .

2. Pentecost also commemorates the ____________________ of the _______________ _______________ upon the disciples.

3. The Holy Spirit is the _______________ _______________ of the Christian Trinity.

4. The Holy Spirit is a _______________ and is _______________ .

5. Jesus told His apostles to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the Gift that He and the Father in heaven had promised as another ____________________ .

6. The Holy Spirit is to give great power to testify about Jesus' _______________ and _________________________ .

7. The twelve apostles were present at the day of Pentecost. These were _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , and _______________ .

8. _______________ of _______________ settled on the apostle's heads and touched each person present.

9. While the Holy Spirit took over, the disciples began to speak in _______________ _______________ .

10. Peter spoke of the prophecies of _______________ _______________, and how he knew that _______________ has the authority to send the _______________ _______________ .

11. About _______________ people asked God for the forgiveness of their sins.

12. Christian churches still observe Pentecost Day on the _______________ Sunday after _______________ .

13. The Spirit of God comes to bring _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _______________ , _________________, and _______________ for everyone who accepts Him.