Test For Our Reasonable Service Lesson
Saint Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. Paul, to the Church in Rome, wrote that our "reasonable service" is to present ourselves as _____________________________ _______________________ to God.

2. Our modern society has lost some of its impetus to drive us toward the question of "___________________________ _______________________."

3. We should present ourselves, stridently, to God as living sacrifices, working out daily our ___________________________ and bearing a ______________________ of Him, in whom we believe.

4. In John 10, Jesus makes several references to Himself as the good __________________________.

5. The word apostle comes from the Greek word ______________________, which came from the two Greek words apo [______________] and stellein [to ___________________].

6. Prophecy in the Church is to _____________________ or build up the ____________________.

7. The word evangelist comes from the Greek word _______________________________, meaning one who is a _______________________ with good news.

8. Biblically, the evangelist is someone who goes forth proclaiming the ________________ __________________ of Jesus Christ.

9. The word pastor comes from the Latin word pastor, which comes from the verb _________________________, to __________________.

10. The pastor in a local church is to feed, tend the ____________________________ of God, where Jesus is the head ___________________________.

11. The word for teacher in Greek is ___________________________, which means one who __________________________.

12. The responsibility of a teacher is to teach God's Word ______________________________.

13. The word ________________________ means one like Christ.

14. All can have ____________________ and ________________________ with God if they accept the price Jesus paid and accept it was paid for their sin.

15. James, the brother of Jesus, and author of the Book of James, added to this work of the ministry to take care of the __________________________ and __________________________.

16. Our reasonable service is to do __________________________ it takes to ensure the saints in our care can do the work of the ministry as well as being able to present them to Jesus as living sacrifices without spot or wrinkle, ______________________, ____________________ to God.